Review & Ranking Committee

The Review and Ranking Committee is responsible for reviewing all CoC applications, both new and renewals. The committee will review project applications to determine whether project applicants and subrecipients meet the eligibility and capacity thresholds.  After the review process is complete, the committee sends notification to all CoC members on what projects were accepted or rejected. Those projects that are rejected, will receive a letter providing constructive guidance on methods to improve the application. The committee then ranks projects from highest to lowest, all projects into two tiers: Tier 1 and Tier 2. Review and Ranking is completed using the CoC approved scoring tool. All projects within Tier 1 shall be funded while projects in Tier 2 shall be funded in order of performance (highest to lowest), based on the amount of funding that is awarded by HUD. Funding is not guaranteed for Tier 2 projects. Emphasis will be placed on permanent supportive housing and sub-populations served.

The Review & Ranking Committee meets on an as needed basis.